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时间:2018年11月06日 来源: 作者: 浏览次数:2985   收藏[0]

Documents Checklist for Establishing Equity Joint Venture (EJV) in Beijing



1. 合资公司立项建议书二份原件;(Project Proposal Letter of EJV company establishment) – 由中方股东签署

2. 中外方合作意向书二份原件;(EJV's Letter of Intent on JV establishment)

3. 合资公司的可行性分析报告三份原件;(Feasibility study report for EJV establishment and operation) – 由中外方所有股东签署

4. 中外各投资方签署的合资经营合同四份原件;(Business cooperation contract signed between all the shareholders of EJV)

5. 合资公司的章程四份原件;(Articles of Association of EJV)

6. 中外各股东出具和签署的对各自委派至合资公司担任董事的《委任书》原件四份;(Appointment letter for EJV board directors, signed and issued by each shareholder)

7. 全体董事的身份证(中国籍)或护照(外国籍)复印件四份(photocopy of Chinese ID or passport of EJV’s all board directors)

8. 董事会全体董事之名单并附董事签字原件三份;(Name list of all board directors)

9. 全体董事的简历和董事长头像照片二张(Resume of all Board Director and 2 portrait photos of Board Chairman)

10. 中方股东当年通过年检的营业执照复印件(加盖本公司公章)四份/ 或者个人股东的身份证复印件(photocopy of business license of Chinese shareholder with company stamp)

11. 中方股东最近半年的财务审计报告或者银行资信证明原件二份(The latest financial auditing report of Chinese shareholder, or bank reference letter)

12. 外方股东的注册证明或商业登记证复印件或投资者个人的护照复印件四份(photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation of each foreign shareholder, OR ID copy if shareholder is individual)

13. 外方企业的银行资信证明原件三份(Bank reference letter for each foreign shareholder)

14. 合资公司注册地址的租赁协议复印件二份、产权证明复印件三份并加盖产权方的印章或个人签字 (photocopies of lease agreement for EJV's registered address and the landlord's Property Ownership Certificate or Business License with company stamp)

15. 主管工商局的外资企业登记注册表原件一份 (需中外股东法定代表人及合资企业的董事长亲笔签字)(Foreign-invested Enterprise Establishment Registration Form, to be signed by the legal representative of shareholder and EJV’s Board Chairman)



The above documents with underline can only be supplied by each shareholder, and the other documents can be drafted or provided with sample by us.

中外合资公司设立的主要程序(Main Application Procedures of EJV setup)


1. 在北京市工商局申请外资企业名称预先登记 (需要上述文件的第1012项文件及1份公司名称预先核准表等) – 3个工作日

Pre-registration of EJV company name in Beijing AIC (administration for industry and commerce) – documents 10 and 12 & 1 set of form are needed; 3 working days for completion

2. 合资企业注册地所在区县的发展改革委员会或其它有关部门审批项目建议书和可行性报告 – 10个工作日

Approval on the EJV project and its Feasibility Study Report by local Development & Reform Commission – 10 working days

3. 合资企业注册地所在区县商务局审批企业合同、章程并颁发批复和《批准证书》- 10个工作日

Approval on EJV Articles and Contract, issuance of Approval Certificate by local Commission of Commerce – 10 working days

4. 在北京市工商局完成外资企业注册登记、缴纳注册费(一般为注册资本的万分之八)和领取营业执照 – 7个工作日

Registration in Beijing AIC to completion incorporation and obtain Business License – 10 working days

5. 执照后续的法定登记程序,如刻制公章、机构代码、国税和地税登记、外汇登记、银行开户、财政和统计登记等 – 20个工作日左右

Statutory registrations after license issuance such as seals engraving, ID certificate, State and Local tax registration, foreign exchange registration, bank account open-up, finance and statistics registration – 20 working days approximately



Note: The above procedure 2 and 3 normally will be done together, only the Commission of Commerce is the recipient for the application and issuer of Approval Certificate.